Page of the home a.k.a Home Page
Home Page

About Me

Photos of me n m8s

Links which I favour

The Page of Knowledge

The 2nd Page of Knowledge

The 3rd...and last...Page of Knowledge

Elijah Pics

Orlando Pics

Tom Pics

Lord of the Rings

Lord of the Rings cast

The Book of Guestiness

Welcome bit :)
Ta all 4 coming 2 my site. Incase u can't work out the site name it's dedicated to Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom and Tom DeLonge :D. Don't go wifout signing me guest book :D

Linz luvs ya x

Site Updates
wots the date?...4? aw well 04/01/03 : made dis site and stared blankly in2 my monitor figuring out wot 2 do.

05/01/03 : woke up this morning and found a pic of Elijah YEY YEY YEY!!! Then I dragged meself downstairs 4 brea..wait this is SITE UPDATES!!! Well, I finished me About me page, and me also done the guest book :D

07/01/03 : soz no more work has been done i was at nikkis watchin Flipper *drools* half naked Elijah :D:D

k it's the 09/01/03 : i was at the pics 2 see lotr 2 for the 2nd time :D thats me seen 5 elijah films in 4 days lol all in a row! god am doin gd lol :D soz theres no updates but i promise i'll do sum 2moro.

sheesh its the 19/01/03 and i've done sweet nuffin lol i'm gonna so summit just now tho :D

hey all it's 28/01/03 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIJAH!!! I'm gonna do add sum more pics, I'll do more on Thursday, got a free nite hehe.

I am SO bad 4 updates!!! Nikki will agree wif me! lol I'm gonna do as many as I can now, well until 11pm coz Empire Awards r on n me gotta watch me Elijah :X oh it's 5/02/03 btw.

13/02/03 Hiiiiii ppl :D I'm gonna finish my elijah page, do the birthday bit n start the orlando page of knowledge :D...i hope

ok ok things change!!! i lost my VERY big sheet of ppl's bdays so birthday bit!!! anyyyywayyyy ok I did finish the Elijah page, AND i added 2 new pages i just...didn' anything wif them *ahem*

27/02/03 Hey!! I'm not really adding stuff 2day, I'm doin fonts n stuff :D

17/03/03 - oops, bit of a l8 upd8 (cool it rhymes) well i'm adding a poll page, n erm, other stuff, i hope. I'm supposed 2 be study but shh teaches dont need 2 kno unless they're on this site in which case HELLO!! ahem..

Birthdays :D

dunno wot 2 do here, ideas on a postcard, send 2 the usual address please

extra bit just 2 be nice
Awrite all. just an extra wee bit here, just 2 say hi 2 all me m8s :D *waves* cooeee. If ya go 2 the linkz page Nikki and Martin's sites r up SO GO 2 THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! I 4get Puggs's but I'll find out heehee.

Sign Me!!! Sign Me!!!

K there ya go all that's me up there :D
Mail me if ya wanna

ta da!!!!