Elijah Pics
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Elijah Elijah where for art tho Elijah...down...
I'm sure u'll all love the following pics, even tho I find sum of the embarrasing!

OMG! wot WERE u thinking?!

soz peeps, dress sense ain't always right. This has got 2 be the worse pic...wait..it's not :((

Eskimo Elijah!
Ok I think he's cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well....it's a picture..of...Elijah erm...heh!
Relaxed and Cute
I think I shall call this "Relaxed and Cute" ladies, gentlemen, transexuals and hermaphrodites.
Somebody's in a bad mood!
It's um....different! But different I like different n I still luv ya
Here's the worse picture :( I actually have more bad pictures!!! lol I may put them up at a later date...word of warning...NOT YELLOW ELIJ!!!
This is on the f.o.t.r dvd set. He's begging to sit down but they wont let him coz he's gettin his hobbit feet on. Bless.
Red Wine
lol also on the f.o.t.r dvd, he's talking about a little dude who was a mini dude lol a wee double person he was indian (i fink?!) n Elij is imitating him saying "red wine? u like red wine? i got red wine"
And there's the doubles there
Aww bless a wee hug wif Sam
Little House on the Prarie
Ahem...nuffin 2 do wif Elijah unless of course he lives there, but I just thought it was funny 2 put it in? No?...I'll change it when I start gettin the hate mail thro the guest book.
"Thats a lotta blood man"
This is Elijah's..sorry Frodo's..no El.F..n/m reaction when Sam (a.k.a. Sean Astin) stood on glass whilst filming a water scene.
Frodo & Sam (Elijah and Sean)
Awww...how much would I like 2 cuddle up 2 Elijah in the snow!!!

Elijah Elijah Elijah Elijah *breathe* Elijah Elijah Elijah